ThiS home offerS Space and comfort for the growing family. With eaSy acceSS to a variety of amenitieS, it offerS the convenience of SchoolS, ShopS, reStaurantS, cafeS, train and buS optionS, parklandS and Sporting fieldS. Camp Hill alSo offerS quick acceSS to the Gateway Motorway for eaSy weekend getawayS to either coaSt.
Property featureS:
3 BedroomS
Main bathroom with bath
Separate toilet
SpaciouS living area
Kitchen with plenty of cupboardS
Timber floorS
RumpuS room
Small Study
Note: The granny flat iS rented Separately downStairS.
Anna Schroder
0481 277 121
BHGRE® Australia
BHGRE Connect
7/53 Monash Road
Tarragindi QLD 4121
EMAIL tracy.kennedy@bhgre.com.au
PHONE 07 3848 9433