Over 5 acres of land is available to buy within the proposed core of Orchard Hills Metro.
84-90 Samuel Marsden Road, Orchard Hills has been earmarked within Neighbourhood E of the proposed Metro link that is currently underway.
You only need to drive past Kent Road Orchard Hills or glance there from the M4 Motorway link to see the cranes and construction in progress, this property is approx. 500m from that!
This all-forms part of the planned infrastructure that will link Western Sydney and the Airport.
There currently sits a 3 bedroom home and 3 bedroom cabana on this corner block where both streets conclude in cul-de-sacs.
Publications are on Council's website and are also available from the agent upon request.
Importantly, how will this compare to other places?
-Apartment buildings integrated with open spaces like Harold Park in Glebe
-Shop-top housing, similar to the prestigious Wentworth Point near Homebush
-Surrounding neighbourhoods are intended to incorporate parks and housing with this area to be the thriving civic and cultural hub of Orchard Hills Metro project.
Contact Agent
Steve Wood
0424 003 107
BHGRE® Australia
BHGRE Property Solutions
3/153 Great Western Highway
Blaxland NSW 2774
EMAIL propertysolutions@bhgre.com.au
PHONE (02) 4739 4744