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Two Options for Coping with High Interest Rates

Thursday, 18th July, 2024 // Tips & Advice

Managing your cash flow during periods of high interest rates.

Two key strategies for alleviating financial burdens and improving cash flow are debt consolidation and interest-only loans. Each method serves a distinct purpose and addresses different financial needs and goals.

  1. Debt Consolidation: Streamlining Financial Obligations

Simplified Payments: One of the primary benefits of debt consolidation is simplification. Individuals can streamline their financial obligations by consolidating multiple debts into a single loan. Some of our clients have improved their cash flow by thousands of dollars a month.

This is how it works.

John’s Situation Before Consolidation:

John, 35, manages these debts:

Credit Card A: $5,000 @ 18% APR

Credit Card B: $3,000 @ 22% APR

Car Loan: $15,000 @ 7.5% APR,

Mortgage: $500,000 @ 6.6% APR, $3,200/month

Monthly Payments Total: $5,700

Monthly Income: $8,000

Remaining Cash: $2,300

Consolidation Plan:

John consolidates with:

New Loan: $523,000 (including all debts)

New Monthly Payment: $3,340

Benefits of Consolidation:

Simplified Payments: One monthly payment instead of multiple.

Lower Interest: Reduced APR from credit cards and car loan rates.

Monthly Payment Reduction: Now pays $3,340 monthly and improves his monthly cash flow by $2,360

Improved Cash Flow: John has $4,660 for his living expenses instead of $2,300.


Debt consolidation lowered John’s payments, simplified his finances, and significantly boosted his monthly cash flow, offering enhanced financial stability and flexibility.

2. Interest-Only Loans: Managing Cash Flow Strategically

Lower Initial Payments: Interest-only loans allow borrowers to pay only the interest portion of the loan for a specified period, typically several years. This lowers their monthly payment and improves their cash flow.

For example, the monthly principal and interest repayments for a $500,000 home loan are $3,200 a month, making the payments interest only while things are tight and the monthly payment drops to $2,750. Saving $450 a month might not seem like much to some, but to others, it may be the difference between keeping their home and having to sell.

In conclusion, debt consolidation and interest-only loans are valuable financial tools that can help individuals manage their finances effectively and improve cash flow in the short term. However, assessing individual financial goals, risks, and long-term implications is crucial before deciding on either strategy.

Contact us if you want our Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate Mortgage Broker to discuss your options.

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