Organising your home isn’t just about creating a space that is visually appealing, it’s about making it more calming. When the weather is cold and windy outside you need a place where you will feel tranquil and comfortable as soon as you step in the door. An organised space is a form of self care and will provide you with an environment that is nurturing and peaceful. Below are some tips on how to say goodbye to clutter, organise your home and purge your belongings so you can take control.
Get into an organising mindset
Make sure you’re in the right headspace before you start! A few moments of mindfulness and deep breathing can make you calmer and ready to tackle the challenge ahead. Change into some comfy clothes and start by picking one room or space at a time. Set reasonable goals – there’s no need to tackle your entire home in one day.

Do you need to get rid of something?
One of the main reasons people hold onto something is guilt. Maybe it was a gift from someone or an expensive purchase but you don’t really like it anymore. It’s important to recognise that keeping something in your closet or in a drawer won’t make you feel better. You will often find that you feel lighter once you donate or sell it!
The main thing to remember is that you’re getting rid of a thing, not the person or memory associated with it. Another good rule to follow is if you haven’t used the item in the past year you will most likely not use it again.
Get the right tools for the job
Getting supplies before you start will help you throughout the process. Sticky notes, markers and tape can help you create labels. Garbage bags and cardboard boxes make a great place for collecting items to donate or throw away. If you’re cleaning out chemicals or cleaners from places like your garage remember to wear gloves and goggles if required.
Test as you go!
As you’re cleaning and organising make sure to test everything to make sure it works, from electronics to office supplies. If you are missing cords that you need to make something work properly, either get rid of it or write down the part you need. If it doesn’t work it’s just taking up space.
When you’re going through cords make sure to label them. You can usually find them at your local office supply store, otherwise you can fold a sticky note or piece of tape over the wire’s end and use a permanent marker to write what it is. This will save you so much time in the future, especially if you move!
What do I use on a daily basis?
When cleaning a desktop, drawer or counter space ask yourself what you use on a daily basis. Remove anything that doesn’t fit that list and put it in a drawer or bin. The less cluttered your space is, the more productive you will be! You can also use drawer organisers so you can easily and quickly find what you need. This will prevent the dreaded ‘junk drawer’ from forming where things are just thrown in and forgotten.
Be creative about storage
The back of doors and cabinets are excellent storage space if you need more space. Look into hanging door racks and cabinet hooks – you can hang towels or tote bags or anything else that might eat up valuable drawer space. This is especially important if you have a small kitchen or live in a small space. If that is the case, shelf risers are a great option and allow you to double your storage area. They’re perfect for items like shoes so they don’t end up in a pile at your front door or in your closet.
Using clear containers in closets, garages or pantries can make your life much easier. They keep things together and allow you to see what’s inside. If you’re always losing your keys or other small items you can create designated ‘drop zones’ around your home.
Remember to reward yourself with something fun and positive once you’ve finished your organising spree!
Disclaimer: The opinions posted within this blog are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the views of Better Homes and Gardens® Real Estate, others employed by Better Homes and Gardens® Real Estate or the organisations with which the network is affiliated. The author takes full responsibility for his opinions and does not hold Better Homes and Gardens® Real Estate or any third party responsible for anything in the posted content. The author freely admits that his views may not be the same as those of his colleagues, or third parties associated with the Better Homes and Gardens® Real Estate network.