High-quality videos are an essential marketing component for today’s real estate professional. Yet, many agents don’t understand what makes a real estate video great. Sure, it’s a bit of technical know-how, putting out videos that load quickly and stream flawlessly. But, creating a real estate video that sells is more than that. Agents must know how to come up with intriguing content and they have to shine on camera, which is why it’s essential to be up to date on ways to improve real estate videos.
Real estate videos are no different than the videos you see all over YouTube. They can be engaging and professionally put together, making them ripe for going viral. Or, they look like a high-school film project. Of course, there are real estate videos that fall somewhere in the middle of this spectrum as well. But, the point is, top real estate agents know how to put out quality, expertly crafted videos all the time.
Here, we offer tips on improving your real estate videos, from a technical point of view and as part of a high-end visual marketing strategy. Knowing how to make real estate videos the right way will help you generate more leads, nurture them more thoughtfully and engage positively with clients over time.
Read these tips for improving your real estate videos and start implementing them today.
1. Have a Strong Opening
As a real estate professional, you know that first impressions count. So, keep this in mind when you connect with clients virtually through video. The first few seconds of your real estate videos are absolutely critical. Start off strong by immediately making the video all about the client.
You don’t need to introduce yourself or your agency(that information can be conveyed in a text overlay). Instead, jump right in on a client touch point. Release immediately your desire to empathise with a problem or concern the buyer or seller has. Start smiling before the video starts, so you can bring that enthusiasm to the camera as you talk your clients through the solution to their real estate needs.
2. Get a Good Microphone
You’re going to have to spend a bit of money on a good microphone; there’s just no way around this. As you talk on camera and potentially move around your ‘set,’ you’ll want to make sure your audience can hear you every step of the way.
Videos with better sound quality consistently rate as more likable, interesting and involving.
3. Look at the Camera
You should look directly at your viewers in every real estate video. Of course, you may turn away every now and then, to naturally point out a selling point in a home or to talk with someone who is featured in your video. But, you’ll appear more personable and trustworthy if you face the camera (your viewers) most of the time.
Even though you’re connecting with your audience virtually, you should apply all the same courtesies to the meeting as you would if you were in the room with the client. This means, being interested in genuinely connecting with the person you’re speaking to, instead of merely talking at them.
4. Incorporate Subtitles
Many viewers watch videos with the sound off, possibly because they’re at work or perhaps due to the default settings on their device. If you include subtitles, you have a better chance of compelling your viewers to take the extra step and turn on the sound – to really want to listen to what you have to say.
Keep in mind too that viewers who are on public transport, in a restaurant or in another crowded setting may not want to bring attention to themselves by turning up the volume on their phone or mobile device. If your videos have subtitles, you can communicate effectively with or without sound.
5. Be Yourself
Consumers in nearly every industry prefer to do business with a person who is honest and genuine. Your brand personality, in all aspects of your marketing including your real estate videos, should be professional, yet personal – uniquely yourself.
Real estate buyers and sellers want to work with someone who they feel comfortable with. They are about to go into a deeply personal transaction, and they’re looking for an agent who is personable, relatable and confident in who they are as well as what they have to offer.
6. Include a Call to Action
Every real estate video you create needs to have a call to action. This does not mean that you should say, ‘Call me,’ at the end of each video. A good and effective call to action must be a natural end to this highly important component of your real estate funnel. It needs to be targeted to direct your audience further down the sales process, in the most effective and natural way.
Consider a call to action that compels your viewers to visit your blog, watch a related video or subscribe to your channel. And, place your call to action in the middle of your video. Viewers who may not be interested in the particular home you are selling, or the topic of the day, will likely not finish that video. Reach out to them before you lose their attention.
7. Tidy Up Your Backdrop
We’ve probably all seen videos that show cluttered rooms and unprofessional settings behind what is supposed to be a professional person. Your videos are part of your brand, and they should be clean and tidy. For each video you create, take time to ensure your backdrop is bright, organised, attractive and non-distracting.
If you’re staging your video location, remember that you don’t have to use an empty white backdrop to look clean and tidy (i.e. white walls, white curtains, etc.). And, keep in mind that you can always add interesting props to your videos. Think about your surroundings and how you might work them to your benefit to enhance your video. You don’t always have to be the center of attention. Maybe that spectacular pool or walkable pedestrian street is the highlight.
Our final tip? Make sure your lighting is picture-perfect.
We hope these tips for improving your real estate videos have helped you fine-tune your approach to one of the most important tools in your marketing arsenal.

Disclaimer: The opinions posted within this blog are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the views of Better Homes and Gardens® Real Estate, others employed by Better Homes and Gardens® Real Estate or the organisations with which the network is affiliated. The author takes full responsibility for his opinions and does not hold Better Homes and Gardens® Real Estate or any third party responsible for anything in the posted content. The author freely admits that his views may not be the same as those of his colleagues, or third parties associated with the Better Homes and Gardens® Real Estate network.