Knowing how to connect and communicate with people is a cornerstone to continued success. In a digital world, there are numerous ways to reach out to potential clients and maintain relationships with existing ones. Discover why networking is important for real estate agents to be profitable and generate more real estate leads.
Stay Focused
Networking means staying focused during all communications. Avoid looking into the distance or checking your smartphone and watch. Listen carefully to what people say. Learn how to ask the right questions to get people talking about their real estate dreams. Welcome their comments and questions, then encourage them to make an appointment to visit you at the office.
Take Notes
During interactions, jot down notes about clients’ lifestyles, preferences, and budget. Create outlines about the types of properties buyers want to see. Discuss goals with property sellers to determine what they want to achieve, such as walking away with a profit, relocating, or buying another home within the neighborhood.
Be Authentic
People want to communicate with someone approachable and authentic. Be both knowledgeable and fun to add a dash of personality to every conversation. Stand out from other agents by being accessible in-person and via all types of mediums including text and phone. Participate in local activities and have a good time without going overboard. Avoid excessive consumption of cocktails that could lead to unprofessional behavior.
Be Part of the Community
Participating in the local chamber of commerce and community events is an excellent way to become a well-known member of the local community. The chamber of commerce provides businesses with access to sub-organisations, advertising, and sponsoring opportunities that help to build brand recognition and trust.
Plan Local Events
Take being community-minded to the next level by planning local events, such as informational seminars and community clean-up days. Sponsor a local sports team or volunteer at the kids’ school and lead one of the committees. Use these opportunities to meet people with similar local concerns and ideas to improve the neighborhood.
Join Professional and Recreational Organisations
Agents should do what they like best and be seen doing it. Linking with other professionals in the industry creates opportunities to develop a helpful team to assist buyers and sellers. And enjoying local recreational opportunities opens doors to joining clubs dedicated to boating, golfing, parenting and almost anything else an agent likes to do in his or her spare time. These ongoing interactions are an excellent way to generate future real estate leads.
Participate in Social Media
Add interacting on social media to the list of networking opportunities to explore. Join local Facebook groups to find out what people in the neighborhood are discussing. Create a Facebook group to share important updates with local buyers, sellers, property managers, and investors. Use other social media platforms to develop profiles and share posts. LinkedIn is an excellent way to remain connected to professionals. Twitter is ideal for short posts while Instagram is outstanding for sharing photos and videos of listings. Avoid being one-sided on social media. Respond to comments, and share relevant posts from connections.
Develop Progressive Digital Marketing Campaigns
Attracting search engines brings real clients to an agent’s site and listings. It’s the new face of networking. Choose the right keywords for SEO by using tools such as Google Analytics. Incorporate these keywords into original, relevant content that appeals to the chosen target market. Include social media sharing buttons to encourage readers to share the content with others. Allow comments and respond to inquiries that may help generate real estate leads.
Exchange Business Cards
Few people respond to a monologue. Instead of handing out business cards, ask to exchange them. Encourage reciprocal relationships with other key industry players. Network with other agents, brokers, bankers, lawyers, contractors, and decorators. Let them know you will refer clients to them, and encourage them to send clients to you.
Show Genuine Interest In Others
Encouraging referrals should never become a tedious and obvious monologue. Agents should avoid selling themselves, which can be an off-putting deterrent. Instead, show genuine interest in others by asking what they do and encouraging them to share their expertise. Be a giver without expecting anything in return. Nurturing these connections means these people will get to know the agent and their knowledge in the area of real estate. Over the long haul, this leads to more referrals and real estate leads.
The most successful agents understand why networking is important. Always make new connections to increase the number of people who want help. Offer assistance freely gain a reputation as a trusted resource. Satisfied clients are sure to recommend helpful, dedicated agents. And these agents will reap the rewards of reaching out to others for the right reasons.

Disclaimer: The opinions posted within this blog are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the views of Better Homes and Gardens® Real Estate, others employed by Better Homes and Gardens® Real Estate or the organisations with which the network is affiliated. The author takes full responsibility for his opinions and does not hold Better Homes and Gardens® Real Estate or any third party responsible for anything in the posted content. The author freely admits that his views may not be the same as those of his colleagues, or third parties associated with the Better Homes and Gardens® Real Estate network.