Agents are embracing video to promote their listings and connect with potential clients. But there’s more to know about marketing via video than the average real estate professional realises.
Video is redefining real estate marketing. If agents aren’t using video to create excitement around their properties and take buyers on virtual tours of their communities, they’re behind the game. Real estate marketing trends show that video is no longer an option for real estate professionals. It’s a must-have in a marketing toolbox.
Below are some ways to take advantage of video and use it to put yourself in front of the competition.
Virtual Tours
Buyers often enjoy taking virtual property tours before they invest time in visiting a home. Every agent should make it easy for potential homeowners to view their listings online. Photographs are a must, but virtual video tours need to accompany images because they give a more realistic picture of a space.
You can hire a professional to make your virtual tour or shoot the video yourself with a good-quality camera or phone. The key is to highlight the best areas and features of your listing (visually and with audio if appropriate) while walking buyers on a captivating tour of the home in general.
Neighbourhood Rundowns
Agents should post neighbourhood rundown videos to their blog and social media pages to show their grasp of the community and its many facets. Community rundown videos can highlight homes for sale, area highlights, local restaurants and businesses, schools, and community events.
There are many ways to create a neighbourhood rundown video, but many agents like to walk the streets and show what it feels like to live in the community – like a guided tour you might take on holiday. Be creative with your neighbourhood rundowns and keep the goal of educating your clients in mind.
Market Overview and Analysis
Market overview and analysis videos can focus on the state of the local housing market, including trends and predictions. These types of real estate marketing videos explain various factors that impact home values, days on market, and other important metrics.
You can shoot this marketing video in your office or a conference room, and you’ll be the star as you present valuable information using charts and other data. Consider hiring a professional video editor to pull relevant graphics into the final product.
Video Commercial
Some agents use video to produce high-quality commercials advertising their real estate business or team. You can do this too to spread the word about your services and experiences.
Again, a professional video editor can help you turn raw footage, images, text, and even music into a video commercial that positively propels your brand. Consider placing your video commercial on your website’s home page and pinning it to the top of all your social media channels.
No signs are pointing to a slowdown in demand for video. Agents who embrace this marketing opportunity now will indeed find success in the future.

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