A successful career in real estate requires more than education and a real estate licence. Leading real estate agents know the secrets to success. Discover the six qualities the best real estate agents possess to see if you have them.
Honesty is Crucial in Real Estate
Honesty requires transparency and the ability to communicate the truth to the clients. It can be tempting to slide into a used car salesperson persona and tell clients what they want to hear. In the long term, this can crush a real estate agent’s career, which is based on reputation and referrals. Clients rely on an agent to share their knowledge and expertise. And being honest doesn’t have to be brutal. Be frank and forthright in all your conversations. Let clients know you are always looking out for their best interests. They need to trust a real estate agent and feel like they are in good hands.
Hardworking Yet Personable
Real estate agents must sell themselves as well as properties. People want a hardworking agent who pulls out all the stops to make a deal happen. Agents should engage in continuing education beyond what is required for ongoing licencing. Learn about online marketing, current market conditions, and innovative photography techniques. Have a strong work ethic and demonstrate the ability to handle any situation with ease. Bring a sense of confidence and surety to the table. And remember all work and no play makes Jack or Jane a dull agent. Always be personable in all interactions as clients come from a wide range of sources.
Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate provides its members with access industry-leading coaches and training programs to drive their continual development.
Well-Organized with Attention to Detail
What makes a listing unique in comparison to other local properties for sale? When do the buyers want a follow-up call about available homes? Real estate agents must keep track of countless questions and projects each day. The best real estate agents are well-organized and continuously pay attention to detail. These two qualities help agents provide the highest level of service to each client, even when they are working with many buyers and sellers. Use organisational tools to stay on track.
Agents within the Better Homes and Garden’s Real Estate network have access to leading-edge real estate technology giving them the tools to run smoothly and efficiently.
Superior Local Knowledge
The most successful real estate agents are local experts. They have a finger on the pulse of local market conditions as well as the neighborhood vibe. From housing data to the most popular area hot spots, people prefer agents who are familiar with the locale. Keep track of local statistics such as a sales and listing data, economic conditions, financing options, demographics, and more. Share your localised expertise on a blog and social media including upcoming community events, market conditions, and the latest listings with your personal commentary.
Know How to Network
It takes a village to sell a house. A real estate agent must be sociable and know how to network with other professionals. Interact with agents, mortgage bankers, attorneys, architects, builders, inspectors, and financial advisers. Create a proactive team and establish a list of reliable resources to offer to clients. Refer people to your network of professionals and encourage them to send referrals your way. Have a recommendation every step of the way to take the guesswork out of buying and selling. Clients appreciate recommendations that save them hours of work and research.
Offers Fantastic Freebies
Whoever said there is no such thing as a free lunch doesn’t understand the nature of wooing clients. Offering freebies is an excellent way to meet potential clients and gain their trust. For example, provide a free home appraisal to sellers. Schedule a free initial consultation with buyers. Post informative articles on your blog and guest blog for industry websites. Create two short ebooks, one for buyers and sellers. Outline what they need to know to get ready for the upcoming real estate transaction. Offer these free ebooks on your website and social media accounts in exchange for the person’s email address. Use the email addresses to create a list for future marketing emails. And when in doubt, take a client out to lunch to discuss the latest developments. A little bit of extra attention can often go a long way.
At Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate Agents, we have a unique value proposition because of our connection to the iconic and trusted Better Homes and Gardens brand. Our agents have the ability to build and maintain valuable connections with access to exclusive BHGRE branded Better Homes and Gardens Magazines, a game-changing way to maintain and cultivate consumer relationships. In addition the high-quality lifestyle and real estate content we provide helps keep our agents in touch with customers and prospects year-round
The best real estate agents recognise the value of the services they provide to clients. While they offer advice and freebies, they are also knowledgeable and affirmative. Hone these six qualities that the best real estate agents possess and watch your listings and referrals grow.

Disclaimer: The opinions posted within this blog are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the views of Better Homes and Gardens® Real Estate, others employed by Better Homes and Gardens® Real Estate or the organisations with which the network is affiliated. The author takes full responsibility for his opinions and does not hold Better Homes and Gardens® Real Estate or any third party responsible for anything in the posted content. The author freely admits that his views may not be the same as those of his colleagues, or third parties associated with the Better Homes and Gardens® Real Estate network.