Moving home is an exciting and busy time, filled with important things to remember. However, even the best-managed homes require attention to detail during a move.
Discover six ways to eliminate stress during a move to enjoy your new place.
1. Embrace the Changes
Trying to keep everything as regular and routine as possible during a move is tempting. However, change is inevitable when you leave a familiar place to live in a new one. Embracing the changes helps make moving easier. For example, list the things you want to do when you move. Thinking about the fun stuff ahead helps you stay motivated during the tiring moving days. Also, create a small area where you can unwind and relax at the end of the day. Even if the rest of the house is in chaos, you’ll have a sanctuary to escape the stress for a while.
2. Remember Self Care
Often self-care is forgotten for weeks or months during a hectic move because people feel guilty taking time out when there’s so much to accomplish. However, all work and no downtime is a sure recipe for stress. Take time to exercise, which releases stress-relieving endorphins and helps you stay limber for the lifting ahead. If you can’t fit exercise into the day, take a few minutes for meditation, stretching, and deep breathing. Allow yourself an hour or two to appreciate your favourite leisure activities, such as reading, fishing, or painting. Taking a break also gives you more energy when you return to your moving responsibilities. Finally, always remember to get enough sleep every night to be rested and ready for action.
3. It Takes a Village
Moving requires the assistance of several professionals to get through the process successfully. Always ask for help every step of the way, so you can continue to move forward. Also, have contacts of your ‘moving team’ on hand and ready to assist you, including your solicitor, real estate agent, accountant, cleaning service, handyperson, and moving company. If you rent a moving truck, recruit your friends and family to help you – there’s always more work than you anticipate! Also, keep plenty of water and snacks handy to recharge as everyone works.
4. Keep Important Documents Handy and Safe
There is often quite a bit of documentation involved when moving home. Your identification and other crucial paperwork will likely be necessary countless times during your move. Keep essential documents handy and safe so you have instant access as needed. Consider setting up a space in a quiet corner of your home to remain organised throughout the changes.
5. Make Sure Time is On Your Side
When it comes to moving, keeping track of time helps eliminate stress. Also, most tasks require more time than you might think before getting started. Plus, you need to account for interruptions, struggles, and other unexpected happenings. Always set aside extra time to complete moving projects so you don’t feel rushed or overwhelmed. If the work takes less time, you’ll gain a few much-needed moments to rejuvenate.
6. Be Ready to Say Hello
Moving into a new home is exciting but can also be stressful, especially if you are relocating to a new area. Local Facebook social groups are a great way to connect with others from the same community, and to get recommendations for amenities you may need or find places you want to check out. While moving in is also hectic, be sure to slow down to introduce yourself and say hello to your new neighbours.
Moving can be the start of a wonderful new chapter in your life. Knowing how to eliminate stress makes the transition easier and gives you enough energy to enjoy your new home!

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