There are a lot of studies on measuring how long it takes to make a first impression. Some say it’s only 7 seconds, others 30. Fact is, humans don’t take long to make a judgement based on visual presentation. And, it’s no surprise then that it’s the same when selling your home. First impressions really do count.
The biggest mistake someone selling their home can make is spending the entire styling budget on the inside of the house. Curbside appeal has never meant so much in a housing market as it does today! Buyers begin to assess a home right from the picture on the listing page.
Here are three simple tips to make the best first impression when selling:
Choose Potted Plants and Trees Over Plant Beds to Add Colour to the Front Yard
Homes with healthy plants and flowers are considered more welcoming to a buyer. However, you never want a buyer to think that the front yard is high maintenance.

Plant sparingly because not everyone has a green thumb. Instead, use potted displays to bring plants that are in bloom to the front door, maximising the visual interest in the space.
Lights at Night are a Must
As most potential buyers will often drive by a listing after work, setting your property on the streetscape is important. Don’t go crazy and install a completely new outdoor system; moderation is very important. Lights that face downward and highlight the edge of the path allow guests easy access and help make the front yard a safer space.

Aim for welcoming and not an aeroplane landing runway when installing them, especially if there is a long front walk. Use some solar spotlights to highlight the best features of the house and of course don’t forget to point one at the property “For Sale” sign if not using an already illuminated signboard.
Consider a New Paint Job
Paint is great for freshening up a home and also for adding a new colour scheme that highlights the character of the house. One of the easiest and least expensive ways to get instant curbside appeal is through great house colours.

But what colours should you choose? One idea is to take a bunch of the latest paint swatches, stand outside and try to find the corresponding colours in things around your property; like the trees, or other houses, or other elements in the immediate land and streetscape. Look to complement the existing surroundings when choosing your exterior colour scheme.
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