Fruity, fresh and fast, thanks to store-bought pavs!
2x 250g punnets of strawberries
Juice of 1/2 a lime
175g caster sugar
2 tsp grenadine syrup
175ml mik
1 free range egg
seeds of 1 vanilla bean
15g corn flour
2 gelatine leaves, soaked in cold water
100ml thickened cream
1 1/2 tbsp glucose syrup
1/2 cup pistachio kernels
large pinch sea salt flakes
140g (4 pack) Woolworths individual pavlovas
baby mint leaves, to serve
- Hull and chop 1 and 1/2 punnets of strawberries, then combine in a small saucepan with lime juice, 50g sugar and grenadine syrup. Set over low heat and simmer for 25 minutes, until thickened. Press through a fine sieve, discarding solids, then set aside to cool.
- Meanwhile, pour milk into a medium saucepan and set over medium heat until simmering. Put egg, vanilla, corn flour and 35g sugar in a large bowl and whisk until pale. Pour in hot milk, whisking as you pour. Pour into the same saucepan and set over medium heat. Whisk constantly until thickened and smooth. Whisk in gelatine leaves then transfer to a large bowl and set aside to cool.
- Pour strawberry mixture into cooled custard and stir until well combined. Put cream into a large bowl and whip, using an electric hand beater, until soft peaks form. Fold the strawberry custard into the cream until smooth. Chill for 2 hours or until firm.
- Meanwhile, line a large ovenproof tray with baking paper. Put glucose syrup and remaining sugar in a small saucepan and set over high heat for 5 minutes or until a deep brown caramel forms. Remove from heat, mix in pistachio kernels and sea salt flakes, then spread across the prepared tray and allow to cool completely. Break praline into small pieces.
- Hull and quarter remaining strawberries. Spoon strawberry mousse onto individual pavlovas, then garnish with pistachio praline, quartered strawberries and mint leaves.
Can’t find mini pavs? Make your own using this recipe.

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