With a thick, crunchy layer of caramelised Demerara sugar, this French toast recipe is simply too good to save for brekkie alone! French toast can be enjoyed with both savoury and sweet toppings, so make a batch for brunch, afternoon tea or dessert!
To take this recipe in a savoury direction, serve with crispy bacon, slow roasted tomatoes and baked beans. If you’re more of a sweet tooth, consider serving it with fresh berries, sliced banana or even pears poached in red wine. A spoonful of homemade raspberry, blackberry and vanilla jam, a dollop of whipped cream and a drizzle of maple syrup also won’t go astray.
Cook’s tips
- Soaking is one of the tricks to perfecting French toast, so make sure you soak the bread slices for at least five minutes.
- Dark rum is traditional in a classic French toast, and most of the alcohol cooks off during cooking. But, if you prefer, use two teaspoons of vanilla essence or orange juice instead.
• 6 eggs
• 150ml cream
• 1/4 cup dark rum
• 250g demerara sugar
• 4 thick-cut slices white block loaf
• Cooking oil spray
• Custard, to serve
• Maple syrup, to serve
- Combine eggs, cream, rum and 1/2 the sugar in a large bowl and whisk until smooth. Add bread slices to mixture and set aside to soak for 5 minutes.
- Meanwhile, lightly spray a non-stick frying pan with cooking oil and heat on medium. Remove bread from mixture and sprinkle each side with remaining sugar. In batches, pan fry the bread slices for 4 minutes on each side or until golden and crunchy.

Source – BHG.com.au
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