Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate has shown its dedication to investing in the education and skills development of their network by delivering a plethora of training during 2021.
The lifestyle real estate brand refined their training strategy to make content easier to consume and enhanced the delivery methods to make education incredibly accessible. Subject matters were split into three programs that focused on leadership, sales and property management.
Andy Reid Head of Training for the group shared how impactful the new programs have been for all members of the growing network.
“The training programs has been incredibly well-received. The content has provided frameworks and methodology that have helped people across all levels and disciplines. I’m most pleased about being able to leverage external coaches like Kylie Walsh and Lauren Kirk to share their expertise with our teams,” said Mr Reid.
Leadership was a topic we focused on through Kylie Walsh, Founder and Director of Regrowth. The sessions covered topics such as business efficiency, recruitment strategies, and Kylie’s “20 C’s Of leadership” that looked at business operations and team collaboration.
Lauren Kirk brough a fresh perspective on Property Management in her training series. Topics such as effective communication and conflict resolution, protecting fees and time management are just some of the areas covered. The network has given significant attention to property management training and support, recognising the importance of this stream to the growth of its offices.
Sales workshops were delivered alongside Matt Shalhoub from Under The Hammer with a view to helping sales agents obtain more appraisal leads and win more listings. This includes open Q&A sessions on topics such as prospecting procrastination, objection handling and managing databases.
In addition to the new monthly training series Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate also delivered a ‘Live Lunch’ series, which took the form of live informal discussions between Andy Reid and a number of insightful guests such as Chris Hanley OAM and Tom Panos. This platform gave the network open access to the minds of industry leaders.
Complementing these new training programs was the launch of the REcharge podcast. The unlisted podcast contains a raft of content including the latest in real estate news, coaching sessions from industry experts, sales and prospecting training and more.
The launch of these new training resources supplements Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate’s array of training resources already available.

Disclaimer: The opinions posted within this blog are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the views of Better Homes and Gardens® Real Estate, others employed by Better Homes and Gardens® Real Estate or the organisations with which the network is affiliated. The author takes full responsibility for his opinions and does not hold Better Homes and Gardens® Real Estate or any third party responsible for anything in the posted content. The author freely admits that his views may not be the same as those of his colleagues, or third parties associated with the Better Homes and Gardens® Real Estate network.